AVVISO: Grazie per le vostre segnalazioni! Ho capito che il sito/piattaforma per i libri Language Leader non funziona correttamente quando viene inserito il codice del corso. Ho già contattato la rappresentante che verrà in facoltà lunedì 12 per rispondere a tutte le vostre domande e risolvere questo problema. Grazie!
Corsi per l'idoneità: (Mondays 14:00, Thursdays ALL classes)
1) Comprate il libro (Language Leader Elementary) e venite al corso - siete ancora in tempo!!lunedì (Mondays) ore 14 - CRSCDBK-145754
giovedì (Thursdays) ore 10 - CRSCD97-145755
giovedì (Thursdays) ore 11:30 - CRSCD5X-145756
giovedì (Thursdays) ore 14 - CRSCDKY-145757
giovedì (Thursdays) ore 15:30 CRSCDSG-145758
2) Do ALL exercises in the book for reading, grammar, vocabulary and writing in Units 1 & 2. and the exercises on pages 122-125. There are also exercises indicated on the platform for you to do.
3) For another review of everything we have done so far, go to this site and practice the BASICS!
4) Just for fun, here is a way to practice some vocabulary basics, too! http://iteslj.org/v/i/
Corso B1-B2 (Mondays 15:30 PET-->FCE)
1) As soon as possible, buy the book (Language Leader Pre-intermediate) and sign up for the platform:Use your book code to register, and the course code to sign up for your course: CRSCDQW-145759
2) Do ALL of the exercises in the book for Units 1 & 2 and the exercises on pages 126-129. There are also exercises indicated on the platform for you to do.
Corso B1 (Specialistica/Magistrale Wednesdays 14:00)
1) Get the book (Ready for PET). Do all of the reading, vocabulary, grammar and writing exercises in the book in Units 1 & 2.Conversation class: (Wednesdays 15:30)
Here are some of the links for the videos we watched in class:How Great Leaders Inspire Action
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