Do you want to earn more points for the final exam? Answer the question of the week by clicking on 'comments' - (don't forget to write your name and matricola!)
One point for each valid answer, but only ONE ANSWER PER PERSON, PER QUESTION!
Question of the week: What is an example of an irregular verb?
Write the present, past, and past participle, and DO NOT REPEAT a verb that has already been written by the other students!
Example: go went gone (andare)
OK, now, click on the word 'comments' to see what other verbs have already been written! The quicker you answer, the easier it is!!!
I answer the question of the week.
MATRICOLA : 562/1480
Example: "To Write" (scrivere)
Present: Write
Past: Wrote
Past Participle: Written
Example: "To Know" (sapere, conoscere)
Present : Know
Past: Knew
Past Participle: Known
Example: " To See" (vedere)
Present: See
Past: Saw
Past Participle: Seen
Tale questionario della settimana può farlo solo chi ha completato gli esami e deve quindi laurearsi?
IDA: only one verb, please! Don't make it more difficult for the other students!
Anonymous: Of course not! This is just my way of encouraging more students to do something in English and earn points toward the final exam!
Anyone can participate!
Fabio Mosca
Present: meet
Past: met
Past Participle: met
MATRICOLA: 02000069
to eat:
Present simple: eat
Past simple: ate
Past participle: eaten
to fall:
Present simple: fall
Past simple: fell
Past participle: fallen
to drink:
Present simple: drink
Past simple: drank
Past participle: drunk
to sleep:
Present simple: sleep
Past simple: slept
Past participle: slept
to read:
Present simple: read
Past simple: read
Past participle: read
salve prof.quando sarnno disponibili i risultati dell esame di venerdi 19?grazie in anticipo per la risposta.arrivederci
Giuseppe Marrone
Present: fly
Past: flew
Past participle: flown
Arianna Borrelli
Matricola 562001226
Valerio Federico
Matricola N02000023
break,broke,broken (rompere)
Carmine Sorrentino
matricola N01000021
cut-cut-cut (tagliare)
do-did-done (fare)
fight-fought-fought (combattere)
Mario D'Alessandro
Infinito RISE
Passato ROSE
Participio RISEN
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