Thursday, December 17, 2020

How to prepare for the Test di Idoneità di Inglese:

 NEXT TESTS: Triennale (B1) 22 febbraio ---- Magistrale (B2) 12 febbraio

1) Do the Quick Tests in the File section of Teams (entry code on the right of this page). 
You will also find the answer key to check your work. 
2) Go to the BBC English Learning site, and do the Grammar and Vocabulary activities (B1 = Basic; B2 = Basic + Intermediate) Here is the link:
3) B2 only: See 2) above; For the reading section, do some of the exercises on this site:
4) The test will be multiple choice, with 30 questions and 30 minutes to answer. 
          5) The test will be done on ESOL and TEAMS, and the dates will be announced in January.