Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Risultati test inglese dicembre - Test ore 9:00

I am very sorry for the delay in publishing these results. I wanted to correct your tests carefully.
If this had been a final exam, many of you would not have passed, so you have some work to do in the second semester!
Remember, the general rule is that you must have 18/30 to pass, therefore you must answer 60% of the questions correctly. There were 135 questions on this test, so you should have reached at least 81 (let's say 80). I have not written your names for fear of embarrassing someone. If you cannot find your number, send me an email at
Those of you who have at least 80, you are welcome to sign up for the final exam.
The fact that you have taken and passed this test will count in your favor by increasing your final mark by 10%.
The rest of you need to study a bit more...
Happy Holidays to you all - see you in 2011!

Matricola Risultato out of 135
N10/0999 111
N10/0119 109
J.G. N02/??? 107
F.D. ?????????? 106
N10/0964 101
N10/0134 100
N10/0042 96
N10/0937 94
N10/?114 88
N10/1080 86
N10/0162 85
V.M. ?????????? 85
N10/0718 84
N10/1196 80
N10/0709 79
N10/0788 77
N03/0168 75
N10/1124 74
N10/0054 73
N10/1273 73
N10/1046 73
N10/0068 73
N10/0936 72
N10/1017 69
N10/0927 69
N05/0062 69
N10/0059 69
N10/0300 69
N10/1065 68
N10/0796 68
N10/0026 67
N10/0940 67
N10/0069 67
N10/0078 66
N10/0745 64
N10/0292 64
N10/1032 60
N10/0930 58
N10/0035 54
N10/0090 52
N10/0099 47
N10/1036 45
N10/0058 44
N10/0001 43
N10/0016 43
N10/0222 43
N10/0028 38
N10/1020 28


Anonymous said...

Carissima prof Pickens
non sono riuscita a trovare la mia matricola e il relativo risultato al test...potrei sapere se sono riuscita a superarlo? la mia matricola è N10001214...
Cordiali saluti...

Anonymous said...

Carissima prof Pickens,
non sn riuscita a trovare la mia matricola e il relativo risultato al mia matricola è N10001214, potrei sapere se l'ho superato?...
cordiali saluti Morra Giovanna...

Anonymous said...

carissima prof Pickens,
sono sempre Morra Giovanna con marticola 10001214, mi dispiace disturbarla ancora ma ho sempre lo stesso problema di non riuscire a sapere se ho superato la prova del test di dicembre...mi scuso ancora cordiali saluti